0. 목차
1. 개요
단군이래 지금처럼 영어 학습하기 좋은 시대는 없습니다.
온라인에 무료로 이용할 수 있는 정보들이 넘쳐나고 있습니다.
구독형 온라인 서점 밀리의 서재를 통해서도 학습을 할 수 있습니다.
관련 글 :밀리의 서재, 영어 그림책으로 영어 공부하기 |
영어는 평생의 숙제와 같습니다.
이번에는 기필코 영어를 배워보겠다고 다짐하시고 계시는 분들을 위해서
영어는 천추의 한이다 라고 생각하시는 분들을 위해서
구글 검색을 통해서 전세계에 존재하고 있는 모든 영어 공부 사이트를 집대성 하였습니다.
2. 무료 영어 학습 사이트
무료로 영어를 학습할 수 있는 사이트를 소개합니다.
1. ABCYa, 어린이를 위한 웹사이트
공식홈페이지 : https://www.abcya.com/
ABCya! • ABCya! • Learning Games and Apps for Kids
Educational games for grades PreK through 6 that will keep kids engaged and having fun. Topics include math, reading, typing, just-for-fun logic games… and more!
2. 'Activities for ESL Students', 초보자를 위한 퀴즈, 모든 수준의 문법,어휘, 대화, 게임, 교사용 링크까지
공식홈페이지 : http://a4esl.org/
Activities for ESL/EFL Students (English Study)
Copyright © 1995-2015 by The Internet TESL Journal Copying and uploading pages from this website to another website or intranet is prohibited. Optimized for Speed & Ease of Use No Advertising, No Nonessential Images, No CGI, No SSI, No PHP, No ASP, No CFM
3. BBC Learning English, 비디오, 퀴즈, 어휘 연습, 숙어, 십자말 풀이 등 영국 억양
BBC Learning English - BBC Learning English - Homepage
4. Dave's ESL Cafe, 전 세계 ESL 굣와 학생을 위한 포럼
Home Page - ESL
Welcome to the one and only Dave's ESL Cafe! Hi everyone! My name is Dave Sperling and I'm the founder of Dave's ESL Cafe. After teaching around the globe and completing my MA in Linguistics in 1995, I created Dave's ESL Cafe as a meeting place for ESL + E
5. Duolingo, 다양한 언어 사용자를 위한 듀오링고 무료 영어 코스
무료로 외국어를 배우세요.
게임을 통해 영어를 비롯한 다양한 언어를 배워보세요. 100% 무료로 제공되는, 게임처럼 재미있고 과학적으로 효과가 검증된 언어 학습 앱입니다.
6. Easy World of English, 문법, 발음, 읽기 및 듣기, 그림 사전 포함된 웹사이트
EWE – Easy World Of English
Free Grammatical structure is an essential component of the language learning process, especially... 0 21 Lessons
7. ESL Bits, 오디오북, 뉴스 스토리, 단편 소설, 노래, 드라마 등 중급 및 고급 학습자용 사이트
ESL English Language Learning - Adult Literacy - Listening & Reading - Audiobooks - Stories
Send me a message if you'd like — (Encouragement is always appreciated.) [My pals are'Sunshine' (Great Pyrenees/Golden Retriever) and 'Molly' (Golden Retriever)] You can email me at SkipR@protonmail.com - Thank you! Skip is wholly respons
8. GCF Learn Free, ATM기계 작동, 식품 라벨 읽기 등 대화식 자습서 포함된 사이트
Free Everyday Life Tutorials at GCFGlobal
Life is filled with chaos, and we must learn to solve problems in the midst of it every day. These interactives give you a chance to practice these challenges without real-life consequences.
9. Language Guide, 알파벳부터 신체, 동물에 관련한 온라인 그림 사전
Learn English - LanguageGuide.org
English Vocabulary Improve your audio comprehension skills and build vocabulary.
10. Learning Chocolate, 주제별 구성된 어휘 연습 사이트
Home | Learning Chocolate
11. Many Things, 짝짓기 퀴즈, 단어 게임, 퍼즐, 속담, 속어, 아나그램 등 학습 활동 가능
Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students (Fun English Study)
This web site is for people studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer assisted lang
12. Oxford University Press, 옥스포드 대학 출판부 사이트, 철자, 문법, 발음, 듣기 연습 가능
Learning Resources | Oxford University Press
Get English language teaching and learning resources for teaching English to young learners, teenagers, and adults.
13. TV 411, 비판적 읽기, 요약, 스캐닝과 같은 읽기 개념 학습
Home | TV411
Why Register? You don't have to register to enjoy TV411, but if you do you can keep track of the lessons you've done and the videos you've watched. Registration is free, and all provided information remains private and is not shared with any other sites or
14. Ventures Arcade, Ventures 교과서 시리즈의 온라인 보충 도구
Ventures Arcade
15. VOA English, 전 세계 수백만 명의 영어 학습자를 위한 뉴스
Voice of America - Learn American English with VOA Learning English
Learn American English with English language lessons from Voice of America. VOA Learning English helps you learn English with vocabulary, listening and comprehension lessons through daily news and interactive English learning activities.
16. WeSpeack NYC, 뉴욕시 영어 학습 프로그램
We Speak NYC
Helping immigrants in NYC learn English
17. British Council, 영국 문화원 영어 학습 사이트, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기 준비
British Council - LearnEnglish Online Review
An outline and review of British Council - LearnEnglish Online program that teaches English through Live, Self-study, or Personal Lessons.
Learn English Online | British Council
Learn English online using our high-quality resources to quickly improve your English. Take our free level test to help you find your English language level, then find lessons and resources that are just right for you.
18. Babbel, 영어 학습 웹사이트 월구독료 있음 (무료아님)
Language for Life - Babbel.com
Babbel Magazine Explore stories from around the world, get language learning tips and dive deeper into different cultures. read
19. FluentU, TV쇼, 뮤직 비디오, 뉴스 등 실제 비디오를 통해 영어 학습 (무료버전 있음)
Language Immersion Online | Learn a Language with Videos | FluentU
In only 4 months, I've gotten to a comfortable A2 level in German thanks in large part to my practice on FluentU! I'm actually entertained by studying when I use it; it doesn't feel like work! In only 4 months, I've gotten to a comfortable A2 level in Germ
20. English Central, 비즈니스, 미디어, 소셜, 여행, 학업 등 10,000개 이상 비디오 (무료아님)
온라인 영어 학습 | 영어 비디오
21. Phrasemix, 친구사귀기, 외식, 면접과 같은 실생활 상황에 대한 영어 배움 (일부 무료)
Learn English Speaking & Grammar like Natives with PhraseMix | PhraseMix.com
Instead of traditional vocabulary and grammar lessons, each PhraseMix lesson teaches you exactly what to say in a realistic, real-world situation. There are thousands of lessons, covering situations like: Participating in a meeting at work Making small tal
22. Coursera, 비즈니스, 사회, 학술 커뮤니케이션 영어 학습
Best Learn English Courses Online [2023] | Coursera
Advance your career in Learn English with Coursera. We partner with top universities and companies to offer Learn English courses, certificates and degrees to help you achieve your career goals.
23. talkenglish.com, 오디오 레슨, 퀴즈, 주제별 구문, 개념 적용, 말하기, 듣기, 발음, 문법, 어휘 학습
Learn English Speaking and Improve your Spoken English with Free English Speaking Lessons Online!
Our goal is to help you Learn English speaking so you can speak English fluently.Improve your spoken English Free! ENGLISH LESSONS
24. TED 강연, 인생, 직업 모든 좋은 것에 대해 배우면 좋은 TED 강연
TED: Ideas worth spreading
TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.
25. EnglishGrammer.org, 유용한 영어 문법, 작문 기술 학습
Writing Guides
Each of the following writing guides is an authority in its own right and contains complete step-by-step information for daily writing situations. Forget about browsing
26. Listenaminute.com, 479개의 1분 오디오, 연습문제, 퀴즈 포함
Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Lesson Plans
Information To Link To This Site Title: Listen A Minute.com URL: https://listenaminute.com/ Description: Listen A Minute: Very short listenings (less than a minute). Free printable handouts, downloads plus MP3 listening and quizzes. The whole thing in HTML
27. IELTSpodcast.com, IELTS 기반 영어 작문, 말하기, 읽기, 듣기, 어휘 팟캐스트, 기사, 연습문제
Prepare For Your IELTS Exam With IELTS Podcast
Welcome to the IELTS podcast. Learn how to pass the IELTS exam with free tutorials, expert advice, sample essays. Subscribe to our tutorials!
28. ELLLO, 영어 듣기 능력에 특화된 온라인 영어 학습 사이트
ELLLO - English Listening Lesson Library Online
ELLLO stands for English Listening Lesson Library Online and features natural English lessons that come with quizzes, vocabulary training, and free printable worksheets. ESL students and teachers can access over 2,000 free lessons that feature World Englis
29. Busuu, 작문 능력, 어휘력 향상, 독해 능력에 대한 코스 제공
Busuu - 온라인 외국어 학습 - 무료로 학습을 시작하세요
수상 경력을 자랑하는 Busuu 코스로 온라인에서 새로운 언어를 배워 보세요. Busuu 커뮤니티의 원어민과 함께 학습해 보세요.
30, Exam English, TOEFL, CPE, KET 등과 같은 영어 시험 포함
Exam English - Free Practice for IELTS,the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests and the Cambridge English exams
2021 © Exam English Ltd. ALL Rights Reserved. | Cookie preferences. --> | | Newsletter | --> | |
31. VocabSushi, 어휘 확장을 위한 사이트
VOCAB SUSHI - LEVEL 2 - Vocabulary List | Vocabulary.com
32. GCFLearnFree, 일상 활동을 통해 영어 학습
Free Online Learning at GCFGlobal
GCFGLobal - The freedom to learn what you want, when you want, absolutely free! Check out our Everyday Life, Basic Math, and Computer Training today!
33. Learn English Free, 사진 첨부된 어휘 학습 방법, 영어 학습 요령
Learn English Free - English Learning Online
The Learn English Network is a not-for-profit organisation registered in the UK. We are a voluntary organisation, and we do what we do for the love of English. We run a network of web sites and online services, with the help of our volunteers, all aimed at
34. Fun Easy English, 기본 영어 지식 영어 교육 팁 제공
Fun Easy English - Learn English online for free, classroom, pronunciation, grammar, idioms, slang, reductions, conversation, a
Listening These online TV and video programs will make it easier for you to become a better English listener. News Words A list of more than 350 words with videos found in the news of today. You should know these words. Over 330 idioms with videos At The M
35. Lang-8, 작품 실력 향상
여러가지 언어를 배우고 교환하는 곳 Lang-8
Lang-8은 세계 190여개국 회원들이 모여 다국어 학습과 문화 교류를 하는 무료 사이트입니다. 배우고 싶은 언어로 일기를 쓰고 원어민에게 첨삭을 받아보세요.
36, Rosetta Stone, 영어권 국가와 온라인 대화, 의사소통에 관한 온라인 영어 강좌
Rosetta Stone - Learn a New Language
37. Daily GRAMMAR, 문법 향상
Daily Grammar - Improve your writing with our free grammar lessons
Welcome to Daily Grammar! Daily Grammar is a fun, convenient way to learn grammar. By simplifying complex grammar subjects, Daily Grammar is a great teaching tool for both public and home-schooled children, ESL students, and anyone needing to refresh Engli
38. Lyrics Training, 뮤직 비디오와 가사를 통해 언어 학습
Learn Languages with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke!
Enjoy learning languages for free playing with the music videos and filling in the lyrics of your favorite songs: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch, Turkish and more.
39. Breaking News English, 전세계 뉴스를 통한 영어 학습
Breaking News English - Easier News Lessons
English News Lessons in 7 levels with graded multi-level listening and variable scrolled-reading, and all-skills activities.
40.Cambridge Assessment English, 무료 온라인 테스트, 일반 영어, 비즈니스 영어 학습
Cambridge English
Your path to learning English, step by step Cambridge English Qualifications are in-depth exams that make learning English enjoyable, effective and rewarding. Our unique approach encourages continuous progression with a clear path to improve language skill
41. Grammarly, 어휘력 향상, 작문 기술 향상
Write your best with Grammarly.
Grammarly makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free. Try it today:
42. AutoEnglish, 과학 기반의 무료 웹사이트
autoenglish.org: Language Acquisition Strategies
Bob Wilson now writes songs about the environment. Organic Language Acquisition Strategies I have been working to make English teaching more effective for many years. A key moment for me was the TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson 'Do schools kill creativity?'. K
43. USA Learns, 미국 생활 학습, 영어 단어 및 문법 연습
USA Learns Homepage
USA Learns Now on Phones! Exciting news! You asked for it, and it's here. With a generous grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, USA Learns is now available to use on phones, tablets, and computers. More >
44. American English, 미 국무부로부터 인증, 전자 인증서 획득, 저널리즘, 경력개발, STEM 분야 영어
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
These Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) help pre-intermediate to intermediate level learners improve their English skills in five major career fields. Each English MOOC is five weeks, and there are different facilitated course start dates for each MOOC.
45. Canvas Network, 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기, 말하기 아카데믹 영어
Canvas Network | Free online courses | MOOCs
46, Udacity, 데이터 과학, 인공지능 수업 사이트
Learn the Latest Tech Skills; Advance Your Career | Udacity
Learn online and advance your career with courses in programming, data science, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, and more. Gain in-demand technical skills. Join today!
47. My MOOC, 단기 코스, 무료 인증, 글로벌 세계에서의 영어 발음
Learn with MOOCs about English Language Learning | Free Online Courses
Discover the best MOOCs to improve your English. Consult the reviews and choose the free online course adapted to your needs.
48. Saylor, 예비 대학 영어, 테크니컬 라이팅 학습
All courses | Saylor Academy
Build new skills or work towards a degree at your own pace with free Saylor Academy college courses.
49. Amigos Ingleses, 스페인어 사용자를 대상으로 영어 듣기, 회화 연습 리소스 제공
Amigos Ingleses | Aprender inglés online gratis
¡Say hello a tu nueva forma de aprender inglés! 👌"Boring classes? No thanks!" Aprender inglés por tu cuenta, estando motivado, ya es posible. Let's begin!
50. Flo-Joe, Cambridge First, Advanced 시험 이나 IELTS 계획 및 연습자를 위한 사이트
Flo-Joe: THE place on the web for Cambridge English exam preparation: PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS
"This past Saturday I took the CPE exam, after having followed your CPE Exam Success Plus course. Obviously I don't have the test results yet, but I felt very comfortable taking the test. I liked the hands-on practice tests, which prepare you for the type
51. New in Levels, 3단계 수준별 전세계 뉴스
News in Levels « World News for Students of English
We write news in three different levels of English. We want to help you understand English more. Now all students can enjoy reading and listening to news.
52. Learn American English Online, 7단계 초급부터 온라인으로 미국 영어 배우기, 받아쓰기 제공
Learn American English Online with Teacher Paul
Quickly learn American English for free. Improve your grammar and vocabulary skills with the countless beginner-advanced resources the site has to offer.
53. FredisaLearns, 어린이 전용 학습 사이트, 어린이를 위한 게임, 레슨, 비디오, 퀴즈 등을 제공
Free English Lessons for Kids | FredisaLearns
Free kids English Lessons from absolute beginner, beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate ESL children
54. learnenglish.vn, 수천 개의 영어 학습 레슨을 무료로 제공, 온라인 영어 학습을 위한 완벽한 학습 사이트
Learn English Online becomes easier - Learn English Free
Measure words are commonly used to talk about non-count items, such as rice, water, wine,…
55. ThoughtCo, 많은 양의 영어 학습 자료, 팁, 비디오, 퀴즈, 어휘 및 문법 연습이 있는 영어 학습 사이트
English as a Second Language (ESL) for Teachers and Students
Whether you are a teacher looking for ESL teaching materials, a beginner who's just starting out, or an advanced student who wants to hone and polish reading comprehension, conversation, and writing skills, these resources can take you to the next level.
56. Quizlet, 최고의 디지털 낱말카드 그리고 학습 도구
57. YouGlish, YouTube를 사용하여 영어 발음 향상
Improve Your English Pronunciation
When words sound different in isolation vs. in a sentence, look up the pronunciation first in a dictionary, then use https://youglish.com
58. Google Dictionary, 구글 영어 사전
사용방법 : 구글 검색창에서 Define을 입력한 다음 정의하려는 단어 입력하고 검색 버튼 클릭
59. Merriam Webster, 사전이자 유의어 사전
Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary
The dictionary by Merriam-Webster is America's most trusted online dictionary for English word definitions, meanings, and pronunciation. #wordsmatter
60. Power Thesaurus, 커뮤니티 기반 동의어, 반의어 거대한 온라인 라이브러리
61. Macmillan Dictonary, 학생과 학습자를 위한 훌륭한 사전
Macmillan Dictionary | Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus
The Free Online English Dictionary from Macmillan Education. Definitions, meanings, synonyms, pronunciations, games, sound effects, high-quality images, idioms and metaphors, resources for teachers and students
62. Collins Dictionary, 동의어, 번역기, 단어, 활용형, 문법 학습도구, 영어사전 영한사전 등도 제공
63. Ludwig, 온라인 문장 검색 엔진
사용법 : 문장(또는 단어)를 입력하면 인터넷의 다양한 소스에서 사용되는 문장 예를 제공
Ludwig • Find your English sentence
Linguistic search engine and smart translator that helps you find the perfect word or sentence to express your ideas.
64. Wordreference, 이중 언어 사전 및 번역 서비스
English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com
French and Italian Dictionaries WordReference has two of its own dictionaries plus those of Collins. The French dictionary has over 250,000 translations and the Italian dictionary has nearly 200,000. These dictionaries continue to grow and improve as well.
65. Word Hippo, 사용자가 모든 단어의 동의어, 반의어를 쉽게 찾을 수 있는 온라인 사전
Thesaurus and word tools for your creative needs. Find the word you're looking for!
66. Visuwords, 단어를 시각적 표현으로 제공하는 사전
"straight" on Visuwords™
67. Grammer 관련 추천 사이트
Grammar Monster, English Grammar Reference, Guide to Grammar and Writing, Quill, Road to Grammar,
BrainPOP Jr, Grammar.com, English Grammar, Quizlet, Daily Grammar, English Club, Funbrain, English Exercises,
Using English, Grammar Bank
Best Online Grammar Learning Websites
Check out this collection of some of the best online grammar learning websites to use with your students and kids in and out of class.
68. Ted ED, Ted 강의와 동영상을 찾을 수 있는 교육플랫폼
Lessons Worth Sharing
TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Discover hundreds of animated lessons, create customized lessons, and share your big ideas.
69. Hemingway App, 작문실력 향상에 도움을 주는 서비스
Hemingway Editor
70. Free Collocations, 일반적으로 함께 사용되는 단어 조합
Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English
A completely new type of dictionary with word collocation that helps students and advanced learners effectively study, write and speak natural-sounding English. This online dictionary is very helpful for the education of the IELTS, TOEFL test. Level: Upper
71. Youtube, 수많은 영상, 음악 들이 있음
72. Cambridge Dictionary, 유명한 캠브리지 온라인 영어 사전
Cambridge Dictionary | English Dictionary, Translations & Thesaurus
The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.
73. EnglishMediaLab, ESL, EFL 학습자를 위한 초급, 중급, 고급 단계별 대화형 학습 웹사이트
ESL, English Grammar Exercises, Video lessons,Quizzes, Vocabulary Exercises
Free English Exercises Online - ESL Interactive Learning Exercises for All English Learners- Online Grammar Exercises, Vocabulary Videos, Pronunciation Exercises, Interactive Quizzes for Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Level English Learners.- Math Exer
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3. 결론
정말 많은 온라인 무료 영어 학습 사이트가 있습니다.
영어 스킬을 획득하는 그날까지
정보가 도움이 되셨기를 희망합니다.
정보는 넘쳐나지만 실천을 해야 합니다.
실천하여 영어 도전에 성공하시길 바랍니다.
79개 무료 영어 학습 사이트, 무료로 영어를 배우는 방법, 무료 영어 수업을 제공하는 79개 웹사이트
4. 참고 출처
Free Websites to Practice English at Home | The New York Public Library
Happy learning!
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Learn with best free english learning websites, apps and social media pages listed here: BBC english learning, British council, Babbel, Duolingo, etc.
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In recent years, along with the continuous development of information technology, learning English online at home is loved by many young people and is
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[영어학습] 영어를 배우는 101가지 방법 (0) | 2023.03.15 |